
How To Make Thicker Cake Layers

Accept your layer cakes to the side by side level with this trick. Information technology's a clandestine the pros don't want you to know!

Layer cakes are a key slice of any home baker's repertoire. You lot tin can stack 'em up for birthdays, weddings and holidays, and there are dozens of gorgeous recipes to choose from, featuring merely about every flavour imaginable. It doesn't hurt that layer cakes are straightforward recipes, likewise, making them accessible for bakers of all experience levels.

At present, what if we told you at that place was an easy trick to make your next layer cake out-of-this-world good? It'due south a surreptitious professional bakers and pastry chefs accept used for years to make moist and flavorful bakes.

Hither's what you need to know!

The Clandestine to Bakery-Quality Cakes

This blistering trick is so easy that information technology really has "elementary" in the name. That's right—simple syrup is the magic ingredient that will accept your layer cakes to some other level of goodness.

You tin brand your own uncomplicated syrup by dissolving carbohydrate into h2o, so adding flavoring.

How does this transform a cake? Bakers gently brush simple syrup over each layer, allowing the liquid to soak into the sponge. This adds the perfect amount of extra moisture to the cake and gives a touch of added sweetness. Information technology's likewise a helpful remedy if you overbaked your cake, because the simple syrup puts moisture back in.

Some bakers will use flavored syrups to add another layer of goodness. For instance, you could brush cerise simple syrup on a chocolate block for a subtle flare-up of flavor—yum!

How to Use Simple Syrup on Cake

The uncomplicated syrup comes into play afterward everything is baked and you're putting the dessert together.

  1. As you stack each layer of cake, coat information technology with the simple syrup. Virtually people utilize a pastry brush to do this, only y'all could also use a spray bottle. Use simply a few tablespoons of liquid per layer—don't go too heavy or your cake will get soggy.
  2. Let the mixture to soak into the cake
  3. Top with homemade frosting.

There y'all have it! How like shooting fish in a barrel was that blistering trick?

25 Cakes for People Who Honey Frosting


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